Personal Reporting Projects


Help build a public archive of COVID-19 related materials

Have you been reporting on COVID, or do you have COVID-related documents on DocumentCloud? MuckRock invites you to contribute your documents to a public digital archive to help journalists, researchers and historians tell the stories of the pandemic. We’re working with Columbia University’s History Lab to create an interactive repository of public documents relating to COVID-19. This work aims to shine a light on the pandemic’s unknowns by making the records more accessible, searchable and func

Apple wants your new driver’s license to be an iPhone, but FOIA requests showed states weren’t along for the ride

In June, Apple announced it will add state IDs, such as driver’s licenses, to its Wallet app, rolling out in participating states and at TSA checkpoints this fall. But public records tell the behind-the-scenes story about Apple’s interactions with government agencies when building out the idea, including how a select few jurisdictions were given a heads up as early as 2019, with many others finding out after the public. A series of records responses to MuckRock user and civic technologist Matt

How the Indigenous Investigative Collective brought together journalists across the country to investigate missing COVID-19 data

Members of the Indigenous Investigative Collective recently joined MuckRock for a webinar to discuss how they’ve used records laws, data analysis and reporting to understand the impact of COVID-19 on Navajo Nation, including how a patchwork of transparency laws left key questions unanswered. In May 2020, Navajo Nation reported the highest per capita rate of COVID-19 infections in the country, so the IIC sought records from medical examiners in the surrounding counties to understand the devastat

How a team of Reuters journalists filed 1,500 records requests to expose America’s dangerous local jails

Reuters reporters Peter Eisler and Grant Smith recently joined MuckRock to share what they learned building a nationwide database of local jail deaths. Along with Linda So, Jason Szep, Ned Parker, and Brad Heath, they published the series Dying Inside: The Hidden Crisis in America’s Jails, the result of their years-long investigations into healthcare and mortality in local jails. While state prison morality data is often available, there is little out there about jails, the county- and city-run

We’re resuming monthly FOIA request follow-ups

In March, as government agencies closed or reconfigured operations at all levels, we paused our automated follow-up systems. Now that agencies are getting back to work at the new normal, we’re resuming our automated follow-up systems to ensure requests get a timely acknowledgment and response. When the COVID-19 crisis began, we understood records offices, like workplaces all over the world, needed to adjust their operations to protect the health and safety of their staff. We began tracking how

We asked first-time and veteran FOIA requesters to review acknowledgement letters. Here's what they told us.

At MuckRock, we do a lot of user testing. Sitting the site down in front of new and old users alike lets us see how people use our websites and checks our assumptions against reality. It’s an invaluable process that reminds us how much details matter, particularly when working with busy people who need to quickly file and follow up on a bunch of requests and then get back to their day. An agency we were recently speaking with was intrigued by the process and asked if we ever did user testing on

Triage Tool Uses Health Care Info to House Homeless With Better Support Systems

Mathematica Policy Research released a study demonstrating that a triage assessment tool used by the Massachusetts Shelter and Housing Alliance (MHSA) can successfully predict the emergency resource utilization of chronically homeless individuals. The MHSA partners with organizations and service providers in the state to place chronically homeless people in housing with appropriate supportive services. Since the use of the triage assessment tool began in February 2015, it has placed 624 people

Tips on genealogy session at ICC June 25

The Friends of Irish Research will present The School of Irish Genealogy at the Irish Cultural Centre on June 25 at 1 p.m. Richard Reid will discuss advanced methods on the genealogy search tool FamilySearch, and Robert Murphy will talk about dual citizenship. Users generally only need some basic information to get started on FamilySearch, such as parents’ and grandparents’ names, county or town locations, and partish names if known, says Reid. Primary sources like newspapers have also been